Blog Posts

Economic Predictions And Trends For 2017

Trend watching, especially when it comes to what is happening in the economy is always interesting, sometimes very exciting and...

The New Technology and Human Values

Values, personal, national and international are at the core of human societies. They are complex and as individuals we get...

Introducing Bloom: The Future of Credit

Sometimes my social media feed throws up something that immediately catches my eye because it smells of revolution. This morning...

6 Steps to hiring a great

Building your brand online requires stylish web design and a website that works seamlessly. To achieve this you need a...

The world’s 6 best performing economies

It is interesting to note that although there are shifts in the best performing economies from time to time, overall...

6 Ways Technology Has Changed The

We speak about ‘technology’ in almost reverent tones and assign it a special role in the economy. Mostly we think...

Stop Focusing On Short-Term Results

Firms get very excited when their half-year results are good, but what does six months of great profits and soaring...

Future World Governments

Political systems go through change, as history shows us, and as technology and society advances and changes, we are certain...

The Internet of Value: What It

Blockchain has been called the “second significant overlay on the Internet” with the web being the first layer when it...
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