Blog Posts

The problem with AI bias

Ai has come a long way. Just after WW2, there was a preconception that developing Artificial Intelligence would lead to...

Do we need credit card rewards?

This topic may resonate more with North American readers than with Europeans, the latter being not quite so obsessed with...

What has the Internet of Things changed?

First of all, let me give you a definition of the Internet of Things. Wikipedia describes it thus: “The Internet of...

Who will be Top Dog in

Digital currencies have been popping up like daisies over the last several years and there doesn’t seem to be an...

Will Neobanks Reward Investors?

Venture capital firms have been flocking to invest in neobanks, and they must be hoping that they will see big...

5 fintech trends for 2020

As we approach the end of 2019 it’s the time of year when sector pundits start to look at trends...

Bitcoin heads towards its teen years

On the 31st October 2019 Satoshi Nakamoto’s baby turned 11 years old. It’s quite remarkable to think that in two...

A bank you never heard of

How many of you can hold your hands up and say that you have heard of Raphael’s Bank? It is...

What is the point of a

While browsing articles on Artificial Intelligence, I stumbled across a piece by Milton Ezrati at Forbes. Discussing the possibility of a robot...
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