Blog Posts
If your home, or your office, is anything like mine, you’ll know that it’s not unusual for family members and...
PayPal is getting into point-of-sale financing. This is a tool that allows you to pay for an item in instalments...
This year, 2020, has been such a disaster that looking forward to 2021 is our only option. Of course, while...
Cybersecurity is one of my main interests, so when I spotted this article by Davey Winder titled “How Hackers Use...
You might have noticed when you checked the price of Bitcoin (BTC) on 27th July that it had tipped over...
According to Alex Lazarow the startup movement is growing like daisies. Indeed, there has never been a better time to...
Here is a shocking statement: “We waste 1.6 billion tons of food every year while 25 million starve and another...
For some years now almost the entire world has been using WhatsApp thanks to it being the leading secure messaging...
Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is growing. According to International Data Corporation (IDC) forecast statistics, spending on the technology will...