Blog Posts

Top tips for keeping your cryptocurrency

If you’re a newcomer to the crypto space it’s likely you’re excited about it, but at the same time worried...

CBDCs: Is privacy important to the

According to a public consultation on the possibility of a digital euro conducted by the European Central Bank (ECB), the...

Making the case for CBDCs

Crypto purists probably balk at the idea of a Central Bank Digital Currency, if only because it flies in the...

You’ve bought Dogecoin? Now what?

A friend messaged me a week ago to tell me they had bought Dogecoin. My eyebrows rose slightly, although it...

Has Ethereum’s time to shine arrived?

If you compared the crypto market to the music charts, it would be fair to say that no artist has...

Coded Bias: a film exploring AI

Have you seen Coded Bias, a new film from Netflix? If you are at all interested in artificial intelligence (AI)...

Has China really changed its tune

I am of course talking about China’s recent turnaround regarding cryptocurrencies. The change of tone coming from Beijing and the...

Chicken Soup and Covid-19: A Success

No, the story is not about how eating chicken soup can cure or prevent Covid-19: it’s a pandemic success story...

Neobanks still need to build personal

Catalan neobank 11Onze has taken a novel approach to training its recruits in the art of building personal relationships with...
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