Blog Posts

NFT Lending is Trending

A marketplace called NFTfi, which specialises in loans collateralised by NFTs, has seen a surge in lending volume over the...

The Battle Between TradFi and DeFi

You may have seen numerous articles about decentralized finance (DeFi) and its claims that it will radically change the traditional...

Big Business is Coming to the

A report by McKinsey on ‘Value Creation in the Metaverse’ begins by pointing out that with its potential to generate...

NFT Creators: Finding Fans and Making

“To make a living as a craftsperson, photographer, musician, designer, author, animator, app maker,entrepreneur, or inventor you need only thousands...

HNWIs are embracing digital assets

Capgemini released its 2022 World Wealth Report on 14th June. Its poll surveyed 2,972 global HNWIs with 54% reporting a wealth band...

Dazzled by some insanely high APYs?

Have you noticed that a significant number of DeFi projects are offering insanely high annual percentage yields (APY), which, of...

US retailers back accepting crypto payments

There is some very positive information in Deloitte’s “Merchants Getting Ready For Crypto” report released in collaboration with PayPal on 8th June...

Affluent Asian investors add crypto to

According to research from Accenture published on June 6, digital assets, which include cryptocurrencies, stable coins, and crypto funds, made up on...

DeFi’s May: Cloudy with some Sun

May 2022 is a month best forgotten in the world of DeFi, and crypto generally. The Total Value Locked (TVL)...
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